Not Afraid of Hypocricy

And speaking of double standards….

(NaturalNews) The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced yesterday that it is ceasing its special monitoring protocols in the US for radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan, despite the fact that no real progress at the plant has been made, and threats to the US are persistent. At the same time as the EPA announcement, foreign reports also indicate that levels of radiation in Pacific waters near the Fukushima plant are now up to 1,000 times normal levels, with no real indication of where this radioactive water is flowing.

The EPA has stated that radiation levels in the US related to the Fukushima incident have been “consistently decreasing,” and that the agency no longer needs to regularly test food, air, and water for radiation in the manner that it has been. In fact, the agency is so confident that it states in its announcement that “[t]he next round of milk and drinking water sampling will take place in approximately three months.”

But just a few weeks ago, EPA data revealed that several milk and water samples from across the country were testing positive with dangerously high levels of radiation. Iodine-131, Cesium-134, and Cesium-137 — all of which are being emitted from Fukushima — had been turning up in the US in escalating amounts (…).

On top of this, the EPA was never even testing for all the different types of radiation being emitted from Fukushima in the first place. EPA data sheets reveal that the agency was never testing for uranium or plutonium, and none of its water supply tests involved testing for anything other than radioactive Iodine-131. But everything is just fine, they say, and further testing is unnecessary.

Meanwhile, foreign reports reveal that water samples recently taken from the Pacific Ocean near Fukushima are testing up to 1,000 times normal radiation levels, and at depths of nearly 100 feet.

It has also been revealed that up until yesterday, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), which owns the crippled Fukushima plant, as well as the Japanese government, had been concealing crucial radiation information to allegedly avoid mass panic (…). Part of this information shows radioactive Cesium-137 and Iodine-131 spreading all across the US Pacific Northwest on May 5 (…).

Sources for this story include:……

Christian Exceptionalism

Talk To The Hand


Check for daily posts until Election Day!

It’s not difficult to observe that there is some pretty heavy disappointment in the current state of the U.S. and in the direction that we are heading. The republicans and tea-partiers point fingers and attempt to shift blame to the Obama administra tion for the shape we’re in, while pretending it wasn’t them or their backers that got us where we are today. Is our collective memory that short? Perhaps we’ll find out on election day…

Miller Lied=Flat Taste

The evidence of “Tea Party” candidates who are ethically challenged is growing by the day.  Corporate money floods unchecked into their campaign to sway American politics to benefit the elites,  while they say exactly the opposite of what they mean to do if they gain power. It’s too bad that the Bush Administration left the Republican Party in bad enough shape that now the Republicans are devouring their own, but it will be far worse when they turn on the rest of the country.

Trapped in a Web of Deceit


By the way, I have begun to file some of the pertinent recent past posts on the “Election 2010” page…many of these are repeats from what has been posted on the “Home” page, but I can see that the election material needed its own spot.

Militia Miller

The Anti-Ted has drawn his line in the sand about what he wants voters to know about his character before the election. Each time he does answer questions, he slips farther down the rabbit hole. No wonder he’s clamming up about his extreme opinions and ideas! Alaskan politics are bizarre to say the least- One of the weirdest things about Joe Miller running for the senate is that he scares many voters so much that they are considering voting for Lisa However-her-name-is-spelled as a write-in…to those who are letting their fears get the better of their hope for our future, remember: VOTE YOUR VALUES, NOT YOUR FEAR. Alaskans deserve a representative of the people in the senate, not a pawn of the oil corporations.

Entitlement Slasher

Joe is a piece of work…he applied for and got an Alaska resident low-income hunting license (for $5.) while attending Yale but hadn’t yet lived in Alaska long enough to even qualify for a resident hunting license; recieved federal money for farm subsidies for land in Kansas while he was working in Anchorage as an attorney; now it’s just been learned that his own wife collected unemployment benefits after working for him.    He has said that minimum wage, social security, and public education are bad ideas-and unconstitutional-but he feeds himself at the public trough at every opportunity.