W’s Legacy

Dubya’s Dubious Legacy…after the party, there are those wishing to paint it with the fantasy brush of respectability.


On September 11, 2001 Dubya was very slow to react to a reported terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in NYC.

not so Curious George


No individuals were ever be located who actually served with -or even saw- Dubya during the last year and a half that he was supposed to be serving in the Texas Air National Guard.


The deserter leads the way to War!


The “War Precedent” and WMD (Wardrobes of Mass Distraction)

The War Precedent––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Signers of PNAC finally get their way. The US invades Iraq on March 20 2003.

The Dubya administration cherry-picked intelligence reports to justify launching
Operation Iraqi Liberation”


An Oil man in the White House…and a Big Habit.


Many suspected that there was really something behind the push to war besides ridding the world of a brutal dictator.


The United States consumes almost one fourth of the worlds oil resources.


Who Benefits from Politicizing Climate Change ?


The United States leads the world….in denying the importance of Climate Change.


The White House Misleading Media Morsels Sound-Bite Sideshow.


Back-channel diplomacy.


The outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame was done by Dubya himself. Leaker.


Dubya promised that if whoever leaked the Plame information worked in his administration that he would take appropriate action.


The Dubya Posse celebrates while posing behind religion.


Cheney shoots another hunter while shooting quail, and sort of delays reporting the incident.


Intelligent Design?…not on this watch!


An historical look at the relationship between the U.S. and some of the world’s most corrupt dictators


Jack Abramoff, the King of K Street, starts to unravel. Who will go with him?


Being well-conected has been an advantage for Dubya….


Dubya’s grandfather aided Hiltler before the U.S. entered the 2nd World War.


Agents for the U.S. engage in the torture of prisoners, ignoring the agreements of the Geneva Convention.


Attitude makes the difference!


The Dark Side beckons.


The Dubya Posse oversteps and illegally spies on the citizens of the U.S.


Each of us must sacrifice in this “War on Terror”.


Sacrificed on the Altar of War.


Grover Norquist has been quoted as saying that he wanted to shrink government down to the size where he can drown it in a bathtub…


The corporate business model as an example of how government operations can be improved.


Reallocating the wealth of a country to the pockets of the private sector.




Thief, or patsy?


Truth? or Consequence….


The net of greed snares “the Hammer”.


The BS Brothers tweak reality.


The World Court awaits…


Unless you are Scooter Libby.


Eight years of Dubya bluff.


An unsuccessful attempted historical rewrite.


Another effort to alter the world’s perception of a rat.


The Legacy of Dubya.

and a nations’ nightmare ends….will the insanity continue?

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